Via Ferrata official qualifications?

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 Yarcyk79 31 May 2024

Does anyone know what official qualifications are needed for taking a group of people to via ferrata in France or Italy?

Does one need to be Mountain Guide to do this? 

In reply to Yarcyk79:

To charge money to take people on a Via Ferrata in France or Italy you need to an IFMGA Mountain Guide. 

In reply to Tom Ripley Mountain Guide:

Don't understand the dislikes. UKC is weird at times...

 Fatch101 01 Jun 2024
In reply to Tom Ripley Mountain Guide:

> To charge money to take people on a Via Ferrata in France or Italy you need to an IFMGA Mountain Guide. 

In France, climbing instructors can also take people on Via Ferratas, specifically holders of the DEJEPS mention escalade en milieux naturels.

In reply to Fatch101:

Ah cool, thanks.

They would only be able to work on via Ferrara at an altitude of 1500m or less. 

 Fatch101 01 Jun 2024
In reply to Tom Ripley Mountain Guide:

> They would only be able to work on via Ferrara at an altitude of 1500m or less. 

I guess so. This must rank as one of the most incoherent and protectionist rules in the guiding profession, although I can think of a few others too!

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