Topo for Clachnaben?

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 Rue_Ree 17 Jul 2024

Does anybody know of a topo for Topo for Clachnaben? There is a link to a topo on its UKC page that does not work. I could buy the NE outcrops guide but it looks rubbish    

 mike barnard 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Rue_Ree:

I don't know of any. You could probably wonder up and pick lines at will; they're generally well protected (and fairly obvious the ones which aren't).

 cal97 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Rue_Ree:

I have the pdf that the ukc used to link to, send me an email and I'll send it.

OP Rue_Ree 18 Jul 2024
In reply to cal97:

That would be amazing as i planned to visit tomorrow. My email [email protected]

Thank you!!

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