Stolen sling and screw gate @ Chair Ladder

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 jessyb55 24 May 2024

So we abbed into Chair Ladder 23rd May. Climbed diocese and went back a bit later for our ab gear and someone had taken it!

Quite random because it’s quite a way down the gully and not visible from the top or a path. Don’t see why anyone other than a climber would be down there and a climber would know what it was for and why it was there. As climbers are not generally thieves it’s a bit of a puzzle. 

I personally feel nicking someone’s shit or not making a good effort to return “crag swag” will bring about its own karma. 

Will probably never know the answer to the mystery but if it was you and you mistakenly thought it was abandoned please give me a shout. 

 wiwwim 24 May 2024
In reply to jessyb55:

I reckon there's a multicolored seagull nest nearby.....


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