Spain Oct-Nov

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Hi all,

Due to some change of plans, I am looking at a 2-3 week trip climbing, starting early to mid October to early November. 

I am thinking Spain and wondered what areas people would recommend for the time of year, travel from France in a van. looking for grades upper 6's, 7's and maybe higher.

thanks in advance. 

 stujamo 21 Sep 2023
In reply to ecrinscollective: Costa Blanca every year for us at that time. We’re away for a month and travelling through France this year. Absolutely loads to do in those grades on limestone. We may divert to Margalef/Montserrat for the conglomerate single/multi-pitch offerings, thought we’ve never been to Margalef so can’t really comment. HTH

 critter 22 Sep 2023
In reply to ecrinscollective:


Start up in Temp / Pobla de Segur area - definitely visit Abella de la Conca.

Option to move down to Montserrat and then onto Tarragona - Siurana & Margalef.

If you can get hold of a copy of Donde Escalar en Espagne (awaiting edition 4th) then useful for planning and finding less international ' honeypot' crags.

In reply to ecrinscollective:


We have been to Costa Blanca, but that way 12 years ago so guessing there is a load of stuff we haven't seen. 

have found a copy of - Donde Escalar en Espagne and ordered it, Might be better as a starting option as less driving and we can alway head south if we need to.

Thanks again Rob

 stujamo 24 Sep 2023
In reply to ecrinscollective: there is the Rockfax guide which is pretty good, but have a look for ‘Costa Blanca Climbs’ which is more recent, a bit of overlap between the two but I’d recommend both 👍🏻

 Carless 25 Sep 2023
In reply to ecrinscollective:

Had a great trip to Teverga and Quiros near Oviedo recently.

The weather is variable though

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