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 Jim Nevill 09 Sep 2023

If I'm right this is the 'whatthreewords' location for the Corner in the Pass.

It doesn't quite strike the right tone for such an iconic route; does anyone have a suggestion for a route where the three word location hits the spot?

 profitofdoom 09 Sep 2023
In reply to Jim Nevill:

Check out Three Pebble Slab (HVS 5a):


In reply to Jim Nevill: does a much better job

 DaveHK 09 Sep 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

> does a much better job

I can see that I'm going to lose a lot of time to that...

 Lankyman 09 Sep 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

> does a much better job

There's a chance Wasdale MRT might might not come up to Scafell Pike if you kept telling them where you were using this?

In reply to Lankyman:

More than once I've found myself dreaming of an alternate reality where fourkingmaps got the monopoly. Asking for directions to the reception on leaving a church wedding would be a great use case.

 angry pirate 09 Sep 2023
In reply to DaveHK:

Me too! 

 TechnoJim 13 Sep 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:


 Ian W 14 Sep 2023
In reply to TechnoJim:

It is - currently on a big family hol in Spain, and there are 3 adult males giggling away, whilst our respective better halves dont appear to find it anywhere near as amusing..........

 Fat Bumbly2 14 Sep 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

It would be even more fun if a few non sweaty words were mixed in as well. Possibilities of very enjoyable phrases.

 Clarence 14 Sep 2023
In reply to Jim Nevill:

Heh-heh! Next time I see the Bishop I'll tell him to meet me at w****house.a***butter.s****k.b****s

Post edited at 11:42
 pasbury 14 Sep 2023
In reply to Fat Bumbly2:

> It would be even more fun if a few non sweaty words were mixed in as well. Possibilities of very enjoyable phrases.

I got it to use piersmorgan*, although that is technically a very rude thing to say.


Post edited at 13:58
 Goweli 17 Sep 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

I've always been pleased that according to fourkingmaps I'm officially a camslut! 

 Hooo 17 Sep 2023
In reply to profitofdoom:


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