Significant rockfall on Darklands @cathedral quarry

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 Graeme Hammond 26 Jul 2024

Darklands (E3 5c) 

Darklands at Cathedral quarry has had significant block fallen out of it recently just above the pocket before you pull onto the slab. I got as far as the pocket and was getting cross about not being able to do the move up from the pocket before I realised the rock scar as it is not particularly obvious despite its size. It may be possible to climb still but expect it will be significantly harder, perhaps English 6b and there is potential that the blocks above could fall out too (so care required!) as it looks like there might have been slippage but I'm not a geologist nor have climbed it before unfortunately. Feeling a bit dejected to have missed out on this route 😕 

Have added comments to the logbook and listed it as unclimbable for the moment 

Post edited at 21:31

 kevin stephens 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Graeme Hammond: That’s a shame Graeme. Did you get on any of the other routes there?

In reply to kevin stephens:

Unfortunately not, it was a evening hit after doing some easy stuff with my partner earlier in the day. Previously done Night of the Hot Pies (E1 5b) But there are some other good looking bits in the quarry hopefully for another time

 kevin stephens 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Graeme Hammond: Orifice Fish!

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