Routes cleaned at Quayfoot buttress

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 Baron Weasel 07 Jul 2024

I've abbed down crypt/crypt direct/The Go Between and Irony at quayfoot with a yard brush and there's now more holds and gear placements.

These routes are great and a mere 144 seconds walk from the Bowderstone carpark (I timed it). They can be done as multi pitch or awesome 40-45m single pitches.

Please go and give them some traffic!

Post edited at 17:07
 C Rettiw 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Baron Weasel:

More traffic? Must be one of the most popular crags in the Lakes! I've never managed to climb there without the company of at least two other teams, and often more. Which just goes to show that "traffic" alone doesn't remove vegetation: it often needs a bit of graft, or at least for everyone to do a bit. Thanks for the effort!

 Rick Graham 07 Jul 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

How long since you were there?

I have not climbed in Borrowdale for several years, I was often there on a weekend or evening.

With the parking situation at Shepherds , saw a recent report of even that getting green.

Good effort from BW. Just needs everybody to do a bit, even just a little ratch with a nut key to keep the wire  placements clear. They often fill up with washed down dust or small pebbles before seeding.

I always used to like winding up Mark Vallance about the best product he introduced to climbing. The nut key.

Post edited at 18:58
OP Baron Weasel 07 Jul 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

One team on the VDiff last Sunday whilst there were 14 people on troutdale pinnacle apparently.

I removed some serious amounts of mud and vegetation from crypt and irony, looked like no one had been on them for years!  They'll be waaay better now!

 C Rettiw 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Baron Weasel:

I think mud washes down from above! I climbed Irony about a year ago and all the holds were clean, but lots of grass around elsewhere.

 Neil Foster Global Crag Moderator 07 Jul 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

That’s ironic…

 LakesWinter 08 Jul 2024
In reply to Baron Weasel:

Thanks a lot for doing that

 jdh90 08 Jul 2024
In reply to Baron Weasel:

I did Irony on Sunday early afternoon, so perhaps very shortly after your cleaning stint.  It was my first HVS lead, and with hindsight, I'm glad I didn't have debris to contend with!

Straying a little left at the top of Aberration (before quickly getting back in the groove where I belong) I looked down and admired the cleanliness of The Go Between, too.

Amazingly, stayed dry for us yesterday from about 10.30 to 4 despite threatening clouds. Had the place to ourselves.

Thank you for your service!

OP Baron Weasel 09 Jul 2024
In reply to jdh90:

> I did Irony on Sunday early afternoon, so perhaps very shortly after your cleaning stint.  It was my first HVS lead, and with hindsight, I'm glad I didn't have debris to contend with!

Awesome first HVS mate - well done!

 Dave Ferguson 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Baron Weasel:

thanks, thats really useful

Did Crypt early this season and it was surprisingly dirty.

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