Ropes left on Cromlech

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 TomPearce63 07 Sep 2023

A few of us left some ropes on and at the top of the Cromlech, we had to abandon them after get stuck in the dark. We’re aiming to retrieve them tomorrow (Friday) morning. Apologies if we’ve caused any inconvenience.



 Tony Buckley 07 Sep 2023
In reply to TomPearce63:

. . . if they're still there.

There's a balance to be struck between informing people to alleviate concern, or to make plain that someone owns what they can see and will be retrieving it in due course, and alerting the light fingered.  

I'm sure they'll be fine, but I'd get up early tomorrow nevertheless.


 George_Surf 08 Sep 2023
In reply to TomPearce63:

In situ ab? Now we’re talkin’ 


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