Robin Proctors Scar vegetation

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Just been there today and the easier routes are becoming quite vegetated. I cleaned some off the routes I did. If everyone visiting does a bit they should improve. A nut key would help clean out behind flakes and cracks. Beware the netted on some lower ledges! I imagine there has been a lack of traffic due to the cold and wet summer we are experiencing![crag(1359,"Robin Proctor's Scar")

In reply to Martyn Nicholson:

That should say nettles not netted! 

 Bulls Crack 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Martyn Nicholson:

The bottom few meters have always been a bit vegetated but not really an issue? 

In reply to Bulls Crack: Agreed but grass, etc.,  is now re-appearing higher up the routes.

 pebbles 05 Aug 2024
In reply to Bulls Crack:

Definitely seem to be thriving this year, I yanked quite a few out on a recent visit. Not what you want distracting you while belaying

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