Roaches Campsite

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 RMcB 14 May 2024

Can anyone recommend a campsite for climbing at The Roaches- believe there was a basic one but not sure if it's still open?

 bobbyspangles 15 May 2024
In reply to RMcB:

Camping at the hollies is a site near to the Roaches.

Basic facilities, loads of space and decent view of the crag. 

Can recommend the lazy trout pub which is within easy walking, wheeling riding distance.

The basic one you may be thinking of, which was on the farm nearer the crag, is closed.

Post edited at 08:11
 andi turner 15 May 2024
In reply to RMcB:

Hazel Barrow is lovely, right next to Newstones.

OP RMcB 15 May 2024
In reply to RMcB:

Thank you both - much appreciated and now just need a dry weekend

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