RCI training/assessment prerequisites

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 ElliePuddle 25 May 2024

I'm doing my RCI training in a few weeks, and have previously supervised many sessions at both my uni club, and also assisting qualified instructors on sessions with kids (making about 30 sessions supervised in the past 2 years).

However, these have been in the past 2 years and i'm only now doing my training - does anyone know if these can count towards my supervision sessions? Now i'm leaving uni, it will be difficult to supervise more sessions, so really hope these can count!

Ive also mostly got all my logbook requirements for the assessment, but again these have been over the past 2 years rather than in time period between training and assessment but there doesn't appear to be much guidance online about whether these can happen before training or if they have to be between training and assessment

Post edited at 16:25
 cacheson 25 May 2024
In reply to ElliePuddle:

You should be fine. I did the training and assessment within a few months of each other and it wasn't an issue. If you have any concerns, just have a chat with the person running your RCI training- they should be able to shed some light on the matter. Hope you enjoy the course!

 Paul at work 26 May 2024
In reply to ElliePuddle:

Your experience is your experience so log it as it shows what you have been doing. Once you have done your training course, you may find that you adjust what you were doing, so log and reflect on that as well.


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