Old bolts at Arrochar?

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 steveq 24 Jun 2024

We were out walking in Arrochar yesterday, we descended from the Cobbler along the south east ridge. At one point on the ridge we spotted what looks like some ancient gear on a large slab. At least a few bits of tat, surprisingly what looks like a bolt with a rusty ring and a piton in a corner. A bit of googling hasn't revealed anything helpful, i'm curious if anyone knows anything about it?



 morpcat 24 Jun 2024
In reply to steveq:

Any more pointers to narrow the location down? I've been up there a few dozen times and don't recall any metalwork. There's usually a knotted rope in place for descent off the south peak summit down Original Route (M) and some messy tat directly below that to protect an abseil/downclimb. Other than that, I've seen a memorial that was fixed on the ridge between South Peak and the arete leading to Central Peak, but I believe that blew away or was taken down a few years ago. I've yet to find anything unnatural on the SE Ridge itself.

Post edited at 20:37
 DaveHK 24 Jun 2024
In reply to steveq:

There's all sorts of vintage crap up there. Proximity to Glasgow and a period where it was in vogue as an aid venue probably explain most of it.

OP steveq 25 Jun 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

It was on a huge slab in the area of Arthurs Seat, fairly easy to see from the walkers path. I suspect you're right about it being used as aid, was just surprised to see it had been bolted at all.


 DaveHK 25 Jun 2024
In reply to steveq:

> It was on a huge slab in the area of Arthurs Seat, fairly easy to see from the walkers path. I suspect you're right about it being used as aid, was just surprised to see it had been bolted at all.

> Stephen

There are a few old bolts on The Cobbler, there are some at the bottom of Whither Whether. Absolutely dreadful photo but the only runner visible in it is a bolt.

Post edited at 10:25

 cam1401 25 Jun 2024
In reply to steveq:

It might be Osiris, it has a ring peg just over the overlap and at least one thread on the slab above. Osiris (E4 6a)

OP steveq 07 Jul 2024
In reply to cam1401:

Looking at those photos, it's definitely osiris, thanks for clearing that up!


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