Millstone Tuesday 16th July Evening Mountain Rescue

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 simondgee 15 Jul 2024

Howdee Tomorrow evening (Tuesday 16th July) We (Edale MRT) have a planned training event to test and refine our rope rescue preplans at Millstone. This will be focused on couple of awkward areas where we have had to deal with customers in the past and this includes the Emabankment terrace. Of course we will avoid working close to you if you are already climbing but it is possible you might arrive and find us already floating about in mid air over your planned route...good news is we won't be over London Wall so you'll have no excuse.

(Our Guiding line system ensures our we won't be clattering stretchers or boots over any holds )

Apologies for any inconvenience should it occur, please do message here or directly if you have any concerns or questions.

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