memory map

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 SATTY 19 Jul 2024

seriously malfunctioning only bits of map are loading with gaps and blackspaces but maybe something to do with todays outage,anyone else

 Mike-W-99 19 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

Must be you, I went to somewhere I dont have the maps locally and they downloaded just fine.

In reply to SATTY:

Just checked mine and it is working as normal over both wifi and mobile for the online UK 2024 1:25k and 1:50k versions. Scrolling over UK loaded as quick as normal.

 Baz P 19 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

UK2021 1:25 scrolling as normal. 

OP SATTY 01 Aug 2024
In reply to SATTY:

All ok had to reinstall after mass outage recently⁰ 

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