Lake District rescue

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 SATTY 12 Jul 2024

Anyone watching this series,beggars belief the levels of dedication and time they give up often to rescue some complete nincompoop/idiot totally unprepared,badly equipped relying on some  stupid non existent WiFi.ugh some people can't say this but deserve rescuing  ???

 ebdon 12 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

As someone who has recently been rescued, arguably doing silly and irresponsible things, I would say judge not lest thee be judged.

 Hooo 12 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

I'm watching it now. A climber who appears to have clipped a bolt and then the entire block has detached complete with bolt and the guy decked. Could have been any one of us, so I'm not going to call him a nincompoop/idiot. 

Agree with the massive appreciation for the people who volunteer for MR though.

 ExiledScot 12 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

Wiser to think of rescuing idiots as good practice for those who have just been unfortunate, rock breaking away, unlucky slips, falls, illness etc etc..  

 Michael Hood 14 Jul 2024
In reply to ebdon:

You might have been a touch naïve with the usual "accidents happen to others" feeling that we all tend to think. But you weren't inexperienced or unaware of the risks and you would have been evaluating the risk without even thinking about it even if you have been forced to undertake a significant recalibration.

The volume problem for MR (IMO) is the number of "ignorance" callouts from increased popularity due to social media.

 RobAJones 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

> The volume problem for MR (IMO) is the number of "ignorance" callouts from increased popularity due to social media.

There may well be an increase in those call outs appearing in the media. But for my local team the increase has been due to multiple call outs on the same day ( five was their record) , not an increase in the number of days they are called out. I think general popularity and bad weather might have an effect on that, not sure how social media would? A third of their call outs are for injuries sustained after a simple/trip fall, a high proportion of these are elderly. I don't think older people are more likely to fall because they a posting on social media, but unfortunately they are probably more likely to be seriously injured if they do. 

Post edited at 15:05
 C Rettiw 14 Jul 2024
In reply to SATTY:

People who ask us to discriminate between the "deserving" and the "undeserving" always seem to think they would fall into the category of "deserving"... It's quite telling. Personally, I think you should be thankful that our MRT services don't discriminate, so that if you are ever unfortunate enough to need a rescue, you won't have to sit there wondering whether people think you are worth the effort.

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