In reply to 'Extreme rock new edition' by Owen W-G

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 The Groak 26 Jul 2024

For the attention of ExiledScot.

I sold my original Extreme Rock for about £160 many years ago. The new edition will not be anything like the original in terms of photos, because of the reason the original cannot be reprinted, as the original photos were destroyed in a fire, I seem to remember. The original will be worth a lot more now than what I sold my copy for, in spite of a reprint.

Does anyone here remember the postal book clubs? I joined one and if you bought a few books they were a bargain price. I think if you bought three then a fourth was thrown in for next to nothing. That's where I got my Extreme Rock from and it cost me peanuts. I used to buy loads of my climbing and mountaineering books that way. Pity it stopped.

OP The Groak 26 Jul 2024
In reply to The Groak:

Sorry, forgot to add that I was unable to reply to the original post for some unknown reason.

 Gary Gibson 27 Jul 2024
In reply to The Groak: my copy is signed by almost all of the original writers 

 jon 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

... almost !

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