Harpur hill belays.

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 Gary Gibson 20 May 2024

Can people stop stealing the newly placed belays paid for by myself on the Dark Side and Long Wall at Harpur Hill Quarry

OP Gary Gibson 20 May 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:and don’t top ropethrough the stainless steel maillons and rings; instead top rope through your own quick draws and retrieve them after 

Post edited at 16:57
In reply to Gary Gibson:

Thank-you for your bolting work, if you have a bolt fund, could you share a link?

 Offwidth 21 May 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

Can I add to what Gary requests and ask climbers to consider 'having a quiet word' about best practice if they see any climbers doing this. I suspect most who do this are not even aware they are doing anything wrong, and very few will read UKC forums as avidly as they would need to to receive this message. We need action as a community if we don't want to see sport belays being needlessly trashed.

Incidentally, Gary is retiring soon, so other volunteers will have to pick up the work involved in replacing damaged belays. Given the huge amounts of work he did every year he will be sorely missed.

 Swig 21 May 2024
In reply to WanderingGinger:

Perhaps the donate link on https://www.sportclimbs.uk/ might be the thing

 Offwidth 21 May 2024
In reply to Swig:

The Peak Area needs to try and sort out those who will hopefully pick up the work Gary has been doing. Lower grade popular areas are the ones most affected (outside Horseshoe that the BMC will maintain, as they own it).

In reply to Swig:


In reply to Offwidth:

> The Peak Area needs to try and sort out those who will hopefully pick up the work Gary has been doing. Lower grade popular areas are the ones most affected (outside Horseshoe that the BMC will maintain, as they own it).

But for how long? 

I can see the estate agents advert already.

" For immediate sale to cover losses: Shabby quarry with flat base and road access, would make ideal encampment/caravan park with the opportunity to recover a few kg of stainless steel scrap"


OP Gary Gibson 21 May 2024

there is one In reply to WanderingGinger: there is one on y website sportsclimbs.co.uk and any donations will go towards replacing old gear and the new routes I am doing before retirement beckons 

OP Gary Gibson 22 May 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

I support any process that encourages people to do it but to be fair it is really hard work and currently part of my DNA but time will come when I won’t want to do it anymore 

 Michael Hood 22 May 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

There may come a time when you can't do it anymore, but I do wonder if there will ever be a time that you don't want to still do it 😁

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