Good climbing company to go rock climbing in Europe?

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 Ella D 17 Jul 2024

Hi all!

I am looking to do a fun solo rock climbing trip to Europe in maybe October for a week. Maybe some multi pitch stuff which I have experience of already in the UK. I’m flexible  to location. 
Can anyone recommmed a really good company with nice guides they’ve had experience of?

I’ve never climbed abroad before and I want something fun and nothing to hardcore 

* I lead Trad upto VS, second HVS/E1 to give an idea of my ability.


 kaiser 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

OP what's your budget?

 philipivan 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

If Rich Mayfield is still at the Orange House nr benidorm that would be a great time to go and I thought he was a really good instructor/ guide. He took us up the puig which I think is 14 pitches mostly trad around severe and did some coaching with us on single pitch steeper sport routes. Been there many times and it's also a good place to find partners. 

I also turned up at the Olive House one year and found people to climb with, there are sometimes coaches in situ but not sure what's happening there now. 

OP Ella D 17 Jul 2024
In reply to kaiser:

2 grand ish 

OP Ella D 17 Jul 2024
In reply to philipivan:

Thanks for the tip. I’ve looked at the orange house and it looks very welcoming. Did you stay there? 

 tew 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

Have a look at UCPA. I went with them a long time ago and they were great

 planetmarshall 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

Never climbed with them but "Rock and Sun" have a pretty illustrious roster - Trevor Messiah and Angus Kille among others.

Had noted them down for a possible trip myself at some point.

 philipivan 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

Yes, I must have stayed there at least 4 times but it was over 10 years ago now. 

In reply to Ella D:

She Moves Mountains if women only trips are your thing. 

 Ciro 18 Jul 2024
In reply to tew:

> Have a look at UCPA. I went with them a long time ago and they were great

Second this, years since I've been with them as I'm far too old but had a fantastic week of multipitch climbing with them in Verdon (their 300m static was very handy), and several weeks skiing and windsurfing.

No idea if it's still the case but they used to have an English website with limited trips on it and the main French site with them all - so obviously using the main site and translating with Google if required was highly recommended.

 Ramon Marin 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

climb catalunya is good for going solo but joining a group, makes it a bit more affordable. 

In reply to Ella D:

Rich Mayfield at the Orange House springs to mind for me too - it's a lovely and friendly place to spend some time, and the climbing in the area is excellent for both single and multipitch. If you stay somewhere like the Orange House though, if you're already competently leading trad multipitch, you could easily pick up some new friends and partners to climb with unguided too.

No idea about companies or guides in the area, but I really enjoyed Orpierre a few years ago and October is probably a good time of year to go. Again good options for single and multipitch, and no need for a vehicle to access a lot of it.

 Steve Crowe Global Crag Moderator 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

I can recommend Silvia Fitzpatrick she runs guided climbing both in Spain and North Wales so you might be able to meet up in Wales first then in Spain later on.

 Godwin 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Ella D:

If you want to find nice company to go climbing with, I would highly commend The Pinnacle Club, IMHO one of the better clubs in the UK, and a really supportive environment for Female climbers, and they have quite a few members in your area.

For a Solo trip in October, check out Climb Catalunya, its a great area.

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