Elbow Problem

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 dmatth 04 Jun 2024


Probably have athritis in one elbow and  just wondering if anyone else has this problem and how they are coping with it while climbing.



 John Alcock 04 Jun 2024
In reply to dmatth:

In my post a week or so ago, I explained that my wife currently has osteoarthritis in one elbow which severely hampers her climbing. It doesn't straighten, clicks and causes pain. It's also led to muscle wastage on other parts of her arm. She currently manages it with anti-inflamatories and hugely reduced amount and grade of climbing.

A consultant has told her the options are 1,do nothing, 2, steroid injections 3, arthroscopy. She's likely to go for the surgery- the aim of which is to shave off arthritic growths and clear out any loose or damaged cartilage. It's an out patient key hole surgery op and she's likely to need a month off work.

So far we've only found 4 other climbers who've had an elbow arthroscopy. 3 out of 4 have had very good results,1 less so.

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