Earl Crag

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 ByEek 31 May 2024

What has happened to Earl Crag? It used to be my stomping ground around 25 years ago and although it has always suffered from being north facing and in the wind was well travelled but it looks pretty abandoned these days. Eraser slab has ferns growing out of the cracks and the whole place looks like it hasn't been climbed in years.

Does it still get travelled?

 Graham Booth 31 May 2024
In reply to ByEek:

Still climbed on but been a tad soggy of Late…added to the green tinge 

 deacondeacon 01 Jun 2024
In reply to ByEek:

North facing crags really suffered this winter. It's been the wettest winter in years. Don't worry, it'll spruce up again 🙂

 spidermonkey09 01 Jun 2024
In reply to ByEek:

It's the complete opposite of abandoned. You've just visited a North facing crag after a massive wet spell! 

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