Dodgi rocks in Cambusbarron

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 LuisSFM 21 Jul 2024

I was today in Cambusbarron West Quarry. Climbing Here Comes the Mini-Monks, when reaching the first ledge, I went left and tried to hold a spiky rock which was moving considerably. The point is that if it falls, it would bring with it a relatively big block.

The first thought was to bring it down to avoid possible accidental fall when holding that. Then, after a second though I didn't since it may affect the route. It is quite left, so you shouldn't really need it for the climb (and I think rampling is not using it). 

It doesn't seem it will fall tomorrow... but not later, and it would fall directly on the belayer's spot. Recommendation? Should it be better to put it down in a controlled way before it falls?

I indicated in the picture more or less where it is.


 Ciro 21 Jul 2024
In reply to LuisSFM:

Personally I'd always err on the side of safe removal.

I'd hate to find out someone was killed or seriously injured by a block that I thought about trundling and decided against.

 Robert Durran 21 Jul 2024
In reply to LuisSFM:

It's that block capping the groove with the cam above it protecting the crux that always gives me the shivers - it just doesn't look attached to much.

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