Dinorwic names

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 G. Tiger, Esq. 03 Jun 2024

A friend sent me this, in Welsh, but subtitled, fascinating info about the evolving names of various bits of Dinorwic quarries




 Alun 04 Jun 2024
In reply to G. Tiger, Esq.:

Diddorol, ond dyma pwynt i ystyried: tase´r dringwyr heb ddechrau defnyddio'r lle a'i ailenwi, falle base neb yn defnyddio'r chwareli, a'r hen enwau yn cael ei anghofio ta peth.

Interesting, but here's a point to consider: if climbers hadn't started using the place and renaming it, perhaps nobody would be using the quarries, and the old names would be forgotten anyway.

 Alun 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Alun:

That said, I just saw that Tudur Owen's series is all about how names help people understand the history of a place, which I think is true, and so it's good to keep a record of the originals, at least.  

In reply to Alun:

Absolutely; personally I would love it if the slate guidebooks had much more of this sort of information, but the trend is all against this, of course.


In reply to G. Tiger, Esq.:

The same goes for many mountains in Wales - a few months ago Myfyr Tomos mentioned on here about speaking to the older generation of farmers and collecting placenames for features on Cadair Idris. I'd still love to see the map you made Myfyr!

It'd make perfect sense for a guide to the slate quarries to use the original names for the levels, since surely that wouldn't conflict with the names of routes anyway? Getting a FA doesn't usually entitle you to name an entire crag after all. But saying that there's 50 odd years of climbing history in the place and those names should be preserved too.

In reply to pancakeandchips:

Is it just me or is there some mix up here between naming the levels and naming the routes?

In my mind the levels are Serengeti, Dali's hole, California etc. What's the story behind those names?

 wynaptomos 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

> Is it just me or is there some mix up here between naming the levels and naming the routes?

yes in some cases, for example the Slug club special route which is not a level. But I think he has a case when talking about the levels in Australia such as Skyline and looning the tube which all had names already.

> In my mind the levels are Serengeti, Dali's hole, California etc. What's the story behind those names?

You can watch the following program on iPlayer (with subtitles) which had an explanation for a lot of the old names and at one point showed a map with all the names of levels throughout the quarry:


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