Crag Moderation question - reordering sectors?

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 AlanLittle 09 Jul 2024

Just a quick question regarding crag moderation for a large crag with lots of small sectors/buttresses. I'm trying to reorder sectors to match the order in the guidebook. Is there any way I can move a sector together with all its routes? As far as I can see if I just drag the sector, its routes don't move with it and I have to reorder them all individually, which is a pain in the ass.

 remus Global Crag Moderator 09 Jul 2024
In reply to AlanLittle:

Im not aware of a particularly good way, but switching to 'numbered ordering' at the top of the page rather than drag and drop might be a little quicker.

What would be really nice if it was possible to select multiple climbs/sectors and drag and drop them at the same time.

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 09 Jul 2024
In reply to remus:

Click on the 'square arrows' on the left in moderation view, then shift+click further up/down the column for multi selection then drag away,


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