Cambusbarron Thornton's Access

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 IanMcC 24 Sep 2023

After recent access issues, I had this reply from Mairi McIntosh, Stirling Council Access Officer:

"Yesterday, I met with the Landowner on site, and we verbally agreed that they will install a stile over the current fence. I have also requested that they replace the signage, particularly the "Do not climb" signage they have hung directly over the fenced-off access, with Scottish Outdoor Access Signage. They have accepted that people will take access to climb in the quarry, and if they exercise their access rights responsibly, they will not be challenged."

I hope this is helpful

Cambusbarron Quarry (aka Thorntons Quarry)

Post edited at 22:28
In reply to IanMcC:

Good work Ian, thanks.

Although I am unlikely to ever climb there, it is quite nice for birds & pictures.

Post edited at 13:05

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