Cala san Vicente Mallorca

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 PRT91 20 May 2024

Hi everyone,

I'm currently staying in Mallorca at Port de Pollensa (North East of the island) and was recently told about a DWS spot at Cala San Vicente by a local. A quick look on Google images shows there's definitely some good looking climbing there, but I can't find any kind of topo at all. Does anyone have any experience climbing in this area?



 badgerjockey 23 May 2024
In reply to PRT91:

If you do find info, please post it here as I and others would be keen to know more about DWS on this side of the Island of Dreams!

OP PRT91 31 May 2024
In reply to badgerjockey:

So I had a chat with one of the locals in Pollensa, and they mentioned that 10 minutes drive from Port de Pollensa is a place called Cala Sant Vincenç.

Couldn't find anything at all in the way of existing topos but there is so much potential there! I climbed a few beginner friendly short routes not far out from one of the beaches, but if there's any more experienced members of the forum who would be looking to find new routes, I'd highly recommend giving this place a look.

Also climbed in Santanyi on some established routes to the South of the island, had a great time there.

 badgerjockey 01 Jun 2024
In reply to PRT91:

Glad you had a good time. 

It wasn’t this crag, was it?

Doesn’t sound like it from your description. I’ll have to check it out.



OP PRT91 01 Jun 2024
In reply to badgerjockey:

It wasn't, it was DWS along the coast at Cala Sant Vincente. Looks like there's lots of climbable stuff there, depending on how deep the water is in parts.

 badgerjockey 01 Jun 2024
In reply to PRT91:

Ah sorry, I missed the fact you mentioned DWS. Any chance of a location on a map?

OP PRT91 02 Jun 2024
In reply to badgerjockey:

Sure, we went from 'Cala Clara' beach, following the coast to the right and found some easier, lower climbs along there. However, further beyond that (facing Cala Boquer to the east) is a huge cliff which looks full of potential for some more serious stuff.

I've dropped a pin on the spot we climbed just past Cala Clara beach:

I really should've taken pictures haha, but Google may have come to the rescue. The first picture shows the spine further out that would be worth a look. There's also a lot of slabby stuff on the left coast going out of the left beach (not visible on the picture) but he landing may be a bit shallow. The second picture is one of the spots we climbed marked by the pin. 

Hope that helps!

Post edited at 11:43

 badgerjockey 03 Jun 2024
In reply to PRT91:

Fantastic. Thanks. I know the bit you climbed but never fancied getting on the rock there for some reason, will have to give it a look next time. 

The long ridge you mention is the Serra De Cavall Bernat and that holds a fantastic grade 3 ridge scramble along its crest, usually started towards the seaward end on the Vall de Boquer side - highly recommended, scorching sun depending… There was some historical sport and semi-equipped multipitches in Boquer but I believe that has all been scuppered due to the usual access and ownership disputes….

Post edited at 00:15

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