BMC Summit subscription snafu

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 Chris_Mellor 02 Oct 2023

The BMC sent me an email about the latest Summit,  #111, saying I needed to login to read it, and kindly supplying an email address and login number I could use. When I tried to log in using the email address and password the response from the BMC's system was: "Login failed because this edition is not covered by the dates of your subscription."

I am not a private member of the BMC. As a member of a climbing club affiliated to the BMC why am I having this problem?

In reply to Chris_Mellor:

Sshhhhhhh.... don't say those three letters! We've only just got UKB Shark off to sleep!!

 spenser 02 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

Club members are only meant to be sent one issue of Summit a year (the March one which they send the membership card with following the membership renewal cycle), if you want the additional issues that is a benefit of individual membership:

Not sure why the email went out to people who aren't meant to have access to this issue of the magazine.

 Andy2 02 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

I'm getting the same thing.

 FactorXXX 02 Oct 2023
In reply to spenser:

> Not sure why the email went out to people who aren't meant to have access to this issue of the magazine.

BMC Incompetence?
Again... 🙄

 l21bjd 03 Oct 2023
In reply to spenser:

I think club members get one hard copy of Summit as you say, but should be able to access the others online(?)


 Dirty Davey 03 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

I’m getting the same message and am a paid up individual member.

 spenser 03 Oct 2023
In reply to l21bjd:

Evidently I was a bit out of date, I asked to stop being sent the hard copies as an individual member several years ago as I had a stack of 5 unopened issues on my shelf.

 Gavin 03 Oct 2023
In reply to Dirty Davey:

It's the same for me this month, but I also had this error last month.  I emailed the summit-app@ email address on the 11th September but have no reply.  Emailed again this this morning, but before seeing this thread, and copied the office@ address in too.  I am also reassured that I am not the only one having this issue.

 ChrisBrooke 03 Oct 2023
In reply to Gavin:

Me too. And last issue too.

 Martin Hore 03 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

Me the same. I'm a club member and I don't think I've received this notification for previous issues. Clearly something has gone wrong with the IT this time. I hope someone from BMC will be along shortly to explain.


 Gavin 05 Oct 2023
In reply to Martin Hore:

Email from the BMC

"We’ve had some technical issues with the Summit Magazine system and they’re all sorted now. You will be able to login as normal"

And I can confirm access is working again for me.

 Jon Barton 27 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

Not working for me - plus why suddenly no printed edition...? Cost cutting?

In reply to Jon Barton:

> Not working for me - plus why suddenly no printed edition...? Cost cutting?


 Godwin 27 Oct 2023
In reply to l21bjd:

> I think club members get one hard copy of Summit as you say, but should be able to access the others online(?)

> Jon.

Now I never knew that. Thank you.

 mondite 27 Oct 2023
In reply to Jon Barton:

> Not working for me - plus why suddenly no printed edition...? Cost cutting?

They have done it for the last couple of years. One edition a year being digital only.

 Jon Barton 27 Oct 2023
In reply to mondite:

Oh, I clearly haven't been paying attention.

 Iamgregp 28 Oct 2023
In reply to Chris_Mellor:

If anyone want a hard copy you can have mine for free. It’ll be unopened…

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