Three baby owls for the price of one

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 The Lemming 17 May 2024

Hardly ever see an owl in the wild, and only then for a brief second. And then three baby owls turn up at my local park for the last few weeks. Its taken me a few visits to get all three sat together.

 Neil Foster Global Crag Moderator 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

That's fantastic!  Well done...

 C Rettiw 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:


OP The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

If you like that then how about this?

 BusyLizzie 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Utterly gorgeous!

 Welsh Kate 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:


And a wonderful photo!

 Andy Hardy 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Shot of the year, that one!

 C Rettiw 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Do you have a mop? My heart has melted all over the floor... What beautiful creatures!

 Blue Straggler 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Well done, and thank you

In reply to The Lemming:

Excellent photo.

I was reading that it takes them about 5 weeks to fledge!

OP The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

> Excellent photo.

> I was reading that it takes them about 5 weeks to fledge!

They are in that ballpark now. Top half fluff, bottom half feathers. I wonder if they will stick around the park or wander off for a new home?

In reply to The Lemming:

Also, from reading about them, they are typically still fed by the parents for up to 3 mths after they left the nest (assume that includes the “branching” time, sitting about in the trees, developing flight feathers).

Whether they stay initially after fledging will depend on the parents and where they teach them to feed for themselves, and whether the general area can support them all for feed. After they are independent I guess they will need to find their own areas and to find their own mates in an area that can support them. Doubt they will stay in the park themselves as that will be the parents territory? A guess on my part!

In reply to The Lemming:

A wonderful picture. I don’t recall ever having seen a picture of three together like that.

 Wainers44 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Driving home last week I thought I saw something on the verge,  right on the road edge.  Decided to stop. Bunged on the hazards and there was an absolutely beautiful,  uninjured barn owl fledgling sat in the gutter.

I looked at him, he/she looked at me,.we both looked at the busy road. We then both looked up at the big oak tree that was clearly home.

After walking up and down a bit with a high viz in my hand to reduce likelihood of death, mine, I decide the only thing to do was move them round to the other side of the oak off the road.

Sounds simple, however that involved climbing down a 30ft bank covered with undergrowth and brambles, over two barbed wire fences, while gently carrying a barn owl fledgling wrapped in a high viz, with both hands.

All went to plan, the owl was very calm and I will swear to my dying day that he cheeped thanks to me.when I put him down.

Only casualties were my suit trousers and work shoes (muudy) and my arms (holes from the barbed wire fence).

....and before you all say it, yes they might well have been eaten by a fox later that night. But the little fella was just beautiful.....

OP The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

> A wonderful picture. I don’t recall ever having seen a picture of three together like that.

Nor have I. In fact I've never seen any in the wild before now.

I'm still hoping to get all three and the parent before they all bugger off. 🤣

OP The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

> A wonderful picture. I don’t recall ever having seen a picture of three together like that.

Hope my film work on the YouTube met up to your high standards as well.

OP The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

While I have an audience, like my Daisy sniffer?

 Andy Hardy 20 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

I nearly trod on this one yesterday.

OP The Lemming 20 May 2024
In reply to Andy Hardy:

Sleeping on the job


 C Rettiw 20 May 2024
In reply to Wainers44:

Awwww.... No, it wasn't eaten. It got home safe and wide-eyed with wonder.

 Bottom Clinger 22 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:


 Bottom Clinger 22 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

And if you ever fancy the challenge of barn owl photography, with none of this ‘hide’ nonsense, drop us a PM. 

OP The Lemming 22 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

What part of the world do you live in?

If you are a couple of hours away from Blackpool, then I’d jump at the chance.

 Bottom Clinger 23 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Took these Sunday morning. Reckon you can work out where I was  I live Standish, barn owls near where I live, but Hesketh Out Marsh is great - the owls seem to hunt well into the morning. 

Post edited at 09:01

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