Convert DNG to TIFF please?

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 The Lemming 11 Jul 2024

I have some images on my Pixel phone which were shot in DNG.

The only problem is that my editing software DxO Photolabs and Liminar Neo can not open the DNG files.

I tried to converet the files with Adobe DNG Converter however the software just creted DNG files that had the same result.

What software can I use to convert the Google Pixel Phone DNG files to TIFF please?

 Spready 11 Jul 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

Have you tried Irfanview?

OP The Lemming 11 Jul 2024
In reply to Spready:

> Have you tried Irfanview?

I had a punt with a website called Picflow. Uploaded a few images from my phone and hey presto.

A bit of jazzing up and some text later.

 Alun 11 Jul 2024
In reply to The Lemming:

If you are unafraid of using the command-line/console, then imagemagick ( is free, open source, and solves most image manipulation issues.

In your case the convert tool would do the job super quickly:

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