Adobe Lightroom Angst - please help

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 kevin stephens 22 May 2024

With time on my hands and wet weather outside I've decided to get to grips with Lightroom, set up a new catalog etc and organise all my photos on backed up drives etc.  I have Lightroom 6 ( with ACR9.0) and a good Martin Evening instruction book to go with it.  I decided (maybe against my better judgement) to get up to date and fork out for the latest subscription version which seems to be LR 7.0 with ACR 16.3). 

I'm totally befuddled.  LR 7.0 doesn't even recognise "catalog" in the help section.  Adobe Creative Cloud shows both my versions of LR with the LR6.0 identified as LR Classic.  I was getting used to the old LR6.0 interface of Library, import, develop, export etc but the new LR seems to have none of this.  Unfortunately LR6 with ACR 9.0 doesn't recognise ORF RAW files from my new OM-1 camera so I'm stuffed.  The help files with LR 7.0 are all about editing but there doesn't seem to be any help on whatever replaced the catalog system, backups, etc.

Can anyone offer words of comfort and ideally a link to useful help, or ideally a book to help me ?

I'm not at all interested in suggestions of an alternative to LR that may be better / cheaper etc etc.

Many thanks

 Durbs 22 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

I would guess you're in the same boat as this:

LR 6 - now "Lightroom Classic" i.e. desktop version, LR7 "Lightroom" is the cloud-based version.


 Fraser 22 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

I stuck with LR 6 when they switched to the annual subscription model but a quick Google suggests the latest version is LR 13.x, not LR 7.0. Maybe your issue is connected to that?

In reply to Durbs: 

I’m running the latest Lightroom 7.3 and it still works when disconnected from the web so definitely not cloud based. I have separate access to “Lightroom for web” on my Creative Cloud Desktop which I have tried but not the same as Lightroom (showing as rev 7.3)

Post edited at 16:53
 ChrisJD 22 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

You need the 'Photography (20GB)' Plan not the 'Lightroom (1TB)' Plan.

Both plans are £9.98 / month 

This gives you 'Lightroom Classic' = Lightroom-on-Desktop, with photos stored on your PC, not in the cloud.

The new 'Lightroom' is cloud based.

In reply to ChrisJD:

> You need the 'Photography (20GB)' Plan not the 'Lightroom (1TB)' Plan.

> Both plans are £9.98 / month 

> This gives you 'Lightroom Classic' = Lightroom-on-Desktop, with photos stored on your PC, not in the cloud.

Brilliant! That was my problem. I didn’t understand the difference when I subscribed a few months ago. I’ve now changed my plan (refund on remaining) and waiting for the latest Classic to install. Many thanks Chris

 ChrisJD 22 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

... The UKC-Hive is here to serve

 ChrisJD 23 May 2024
In reply to :

> waiting for the latest Classic to install. 

@kevinstephens: how did it all go OK - all up and running in new LR-Classic?

You might want to consider updating key images/folders in your LR CatLog processed under the older LR, into the current 'Calibration: Process: V6 (current)' (in the Develop Module).

This can be done simply in batch from the Library Module by creating a Pre-set just with the calibration box ticked (using an image with current V6 process), then bulk selecting images and using QuickDevelop top right with a 'Saved Pre-set' (in Library Module).

All new images imported will be V6 Process (unless you tell it otehrwise via an import preset).

... I think, from memory (cant quite remember), if you don't, then not all new LR feature will be available for older 'Process' version Images (I may be wrong on that) ...

In reply to ChrisJD:

The install worked well. I had only really dabbled in Lightroom 6 with photos spread randomly about my laptop’s SSDD. So I’m starting afresh ditching the old catalog and use the new install to import and move all the old photos to a pair of duplicated external drives. I’ll investigate using your tips to simplify this process

Post edited at 11:02
 Robert Durran 23 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

I played around with LR and then settled on an alternative. The whole catalog thing seemed utterly baffling on both and I gave up pretty quickly. Now I simply file my photos and back them up the way I want them and was used to; I just import the RAW files, process them and then export them along with any RAW files I want to keep. I don't see any point in unnecessary stress!

 JDal 23 May 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

> ....Now I simply file my photos and back them up the way I want them and was used to...

I do this also, but still use LR cataloguing, for ease of access/edit/export and simply finding the bloody photos amongst all the dross I seem to hang on to via the hierarchical keywording facilities. It's a pretty straightforward process. 

In reply to Robert Durran:

I think that Lightroom's cataloguing/file management features are one of its greatest strengths, as long as one starts off well.

In reply to kevin stephens:  Even more angst!!!

Lightroom pointed out that the onboard graphics in my Dell XPS13 may not be up to scratch so I opened the Dell software to check for and install updates.

Now it’s a brick.

Dell customer support tells me that because the laptop is ancient (2016) and originally built with Windows 8 (now on 10) it will stay bricked. The on board recovery tools don’t work. I may seek out a local technician to see if it can be fixed, or at least if my files can be recovered. If I have to get a new laptop hopefully my brand new Adobe subscription can still be used to install LR?

In reply to kevin stephens:

My 2014 Dell laptop started life with either Windows 7 or Windows 8 (can’t remember), is now on 10, and has occasionally been close to death, often because of windows updates or driver updates, but I’ve always managed to bring it back to life. The Windows repair USB stick often does the trick. I tend to stick with the drivers that work nowadays, even if Dell wants me to update them. I expect a good techie will be able to sort it out for you. 

 ChrisJD 23 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

So sorry to hear that.

I wouldn't believe Dell though - get a local shop to sort.

My 2012 i7 3930 six core PC is still going well on Windows 10 (with one new SSD and an updated graphics card).  Win-10 going unsupported next year, so may have to get a new PC.

 Mike_d78 24 May 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

> Now it’s a brick.

>If I have to get a new laptop hopefully my brand new Adobe subscription can still be used to install LR?

 You'll be fine on this point. You can have two devices using LR classic/desktop and can manage this through your account on the website.

Hope you get your laptop debricked!

In reply to Mike_d78:

Thanks All

From discussions with my local computer tech it seems that my laptop my not be salvageable, certainly not in as the stable and capable machine that it was; The Dell utilities designed specifically for Windows 8 would have messed with Window 10 in ways nobody can really understand, and I didn't want to go back to a fresh install. However he should be able to extract my previous files etc for me.

I decided to treat myself with a new Acer laptop with i7 processor, 16 GB RAM separate graphics card, 1 TB SSD and also a separate large 4k monitor etc.  Hopefully this lot will see me out for all my photo and video stuff.

In getting to grips with the latest LR classic I'm using my Martin Evening's book for LR 6.  Apart from newer bells and whistles will this book still be accurate enough to work through the various modules, particularly library and catalog etc?  Or has so much changed to make this a bad idea?  Many thanks 

In reply to Mike_d78:

Thanks All

From discussions with my local computer tech it seems that my laptop my not be salvageable, certainly not in as the stable and capable machine that it was; The Dell utilities designed specifically for Windows 8 would have messed with Window 10 in ways nobody can really understand, and I didn't want to go back to a fresh install. However he should be able to extract my previous files etc for me.

I decided to treat myself with a new Acer laptop with i7 processor, 16 GB RAM separate graphics card, 1 TB SSD and also a separate large 4k monitor etc.  Hopefully this lot will see me out for all my photo and video stuff.

In getting to grips with the latest LR classic I'm using my Martin Evening's book for LR 6.  Apart from newer bells and whistles will this book still be accurate enough to work through the various modules, particularly library and catalog etc?  Or has so much changed to make this a bad idea?  Many thanks 

 ChrisJD 22 Jun 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

How's it all going with the latest LR-Classic on the new laptop?

In reply to ChrisJD: very well thanks, treated myself to a large 4k monitor too. I’m also enjoying getting to grips with video editing too

 ChrisJD 23 Jun 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

Great to hear

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