XC weather wind symbols

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 girlymonkey 01 Jul 2024

Due to some error with the Met office, it no longer gives me the more detailed forecasts so I have been looking at XC weather a bit instead. 

It has arrows for the wind showing direction. These are normally blue, but sometimes red. My first assumption was that the red would be gusts over a certain speed, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I can't work out a pattern. Any ideas?

In reply to girlymonkey:


Seems to relate more to the map than the forecast tables, but might be it?

"Why are some arrows red?
Red arrows show that the wind is gusting. The wind is said to be gusting if the maximum speed is 10 knots or more above the current average speed. The size of each arrow on the map is always based on the average wind speed."

Post edited at 18:54
OP girlymonkey 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Ah, that makes sense. I was looking at the actual top speed of the gust but hadn't looked to see the difference between speeds. 


 deepsoup 02 Jul 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

> Due to some error with the Met office, it no longer gives me the more detailed forecasts so I have been looking at XC weather a bit instead.

If you're just experimenting with alternative sources of info, wind especially, it might be worth having a look at Wind Guru as well: https://www.windguru.cz

Post edited at 09:34

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