This mornings birds

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 Bottom Clinger 25 Jul 2024

Whitethroat with food for its young. 

For those who are interested, the image is taken with my newish (to me) camera - Sony DX10 - and the image was bluetoothed straight to my phone, quick edit and stuck on here. It’s not as good a photo as my dslr, but it’s great for good quality record pics. 
Edit: just added sandwich terms, curlew and a cropped whitethroat pic. 

Post edited at 10:03

 kevin stephens 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

A couple of Shetland’s birds

In reply to kevin stephens:

Nice. A couple of Lancashire’s birds, Tuesday. Peregrine flew straight over my head, and I nearly keeled over backwards trying to photograph it. The spotted redshank was a total stunner, but the glaring sunlight messed up the quality.  That’s my excuse !

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

One of those is definitely not a Sandwich Tern 😁

Where's the Spotted Redshank, don't think I've ever seen one in summer plumage.

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

Is that an Ivory Gull? Nice

 kevin stephens 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

I believe it’s a Herring Gull

 petemeads 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

No photo worthy of posting but we are currently hosting a female Redstart in our front garden. Hides in the bushes and pops out briefly just to grab a quick insect, but yesterday she posed nicely to allow me to test the new binos...

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

Looks too white, leucistic (spelling) or just an angle that hides all the grey.

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to petemeads:

Binos, what did you go for?

 kevin stephens 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

It would be nice to identify it as more exotic, but in other photos of Herring Gull I have seen the wing underside is white with grey tips, also the very pink legs indicate Herring Gull, I can’t see a red spot on the bill but I'm not sure if that’s essential? At least the other photo is easier to identify

Post edited at 18:48
 petemeads 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

The lottery-win ones!

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to petemeads:

Nice, anyone else in the family allowed to use them yet 😁 or are you wandering around going "my precious"

Post edited at 18:45
 petemeads 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

Big son uses them, wife more cautious despite my offering. There is a good saving at present due to 75 years in business for the manufacturer, then Cley Spy knocked another chunk off as a price match - never known that to happen before so grabbed the opportunity. 

 Michael Hood 25 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

> It would be nice to identify it as more exotic, but in other photos of Herring Gull I have seen the wing underside is white with grey tips, also the very pink legs indicate Herring Gull, I can’t see a red spot on the bill but I'm not sure if that’s essential? At least the other photo is easier to identify

Having now had a chance to look at my ID "bible" I'm sure you're right. None of the rarities fit all the features that are visible in that photo and of the pink legged gulls, the black/white wingtip pattern does seem to fit Herring most closely. I think I was just fooled by the angle showing all white. 

In reply to Michael Hood:

Sandgrounders at Marshide. Stunner. Couldn’t believe how rubbish my photo was. I’ve seen plenty is summer-ish plumage, but this was a text book job. 

In reply to Michael Hood:

I was fooled also. Too tired to have a study, but something doesn’t look right. Bill not chunky enough, not an obvious red patch, and very very white head. Gull ID is one of the Dark Arts, and I’m not there yet. 

Also: I’ve also very recently  seen Canada geese full on diving underwater. Only seen it at this time of year, guess it’s related to moulting?

Post edited at 23:07
In reply to petemeads:

> No photo worthy of posting but we are currently hosting a female Redstart in our front garden. Hides in the bushes and pops out briefly just to grab a quick insect, but yesterday she posed nicely to allow me to test the new binos...

Redstart = wow !  

 kevin stephens 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

If it’s any help there were a number of other apparent Herring Gulls circling and feeding in the same location so unlikely to be a rarity blown off course, also Oyster Catchers which I was unable to get a good photo in flight.

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