recommendations for online acl physiotherapist.

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 climbercool 09 Jul 2024

I am considering surgery for my acl that  I tore 3 months ago, the knee is feeling strong but I also have slight meniscus trouble that is not getting better,  the most important thing for me is to get the knee as strong as possible so I dont reinjure it.   I live in China so very tricky for me to speak to an English speaking physio in person.  I would like to speak with someone who has lots of experience with rehabbing an acl and can discuss the pros and cons of surgery.  Im aslo very interested to hear other peoples rehab stories.  Thanks ben

 jack_44 09 Jul 2024
In reply to climbercool:

Happy to talk things through with you Ben. 

Pop us an email at [email protected] 

OP climbercool 10 Jul 2024
In reply to jack_44:

great to hear from you Jack    I have emailed you

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