Recent wildlife sightings

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Some recent sightings.

Was out watching Marsh Harriers and Ospreys the other day when this Grey Heron came into view just after a heavy downpour. Within a couple of minutes it had caught a fish and was away again.

Sand Martins having a wee squabble; can’t recall I’ve ever seen any other than on the wing at high speed. A Green Woodpecker juvenile just a few days before it fledged; it was noisily begging for food.

Moth is a Small Magpie, I think - first time I’ve seen one and is I’ve read rare (ish) in Scotland but far more common in England. Also saw my first Chimney Sweeper moth or moths as there were quite a few flying in the sunny weather. It is a moth that prefers sunny days apparently.

Common Blue butterfly; I not seem many butterflies this year so far so just nice to see any butterfly that day.

 Bottom Clinger 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Nice sightings, esp the green pecker. And it’s a perch  

I once watched about 100 sand martins perching on the wire fence at Letham Pools, probably shortly after they arrived in early spring. Quite a sight. The other week, was watching upwards of 850 swifts (someone else counted them), screaming a few feet from my head). 

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Thanks, a perch, I was wondering.

Swifts - seen very few this year; under 10 at any one time and often just two at a time. Just not around here this year for whatever reason.

 Bottom Clinger 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Heard a grasshopper warbler again this morning, must have bred, first time on my morning dog walk patch/s. 

 aln 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Over the last few weeks between Aberdeenshire, Inverness and C Scotland. Foxes, sometimes look a bit scrappy, but these were 2 very healthy specimens, 120 miles apart. Mostly birds, buzzards obviously, herons, a sparrowhawk, a peregrine. 2 stonechats, usually I hear them, sometimes spot them as they fly away. But this time I looked round and they were 3 feet away in the gorse. Lovely birds. A few unusual bee species, a duck I didn't recognise, also some of those weird things that look like Mallards but without the green head. A few different deer types. Caterpillars, but not many butterflies or moths. 

And fruit flies, more and more f"coking fruit flies.

 Michael Hood 12 Jul 2024
In reply to aln:

Mallards without the green heads - quite likely to be males in eclipse plumage, almost look as plain as the females. Identifying ducks at this time of year can be a bit of a nightmare, especially with juveniles around as well.

One of the reasons Stonechats are great is because they often perch (and chat) at the top of bushes rather than hiding in the middle; always a pleasure to see.

 JCurrie 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Super photos.

On a recent walk in the Coigach hills I was waiting for my son to catch up. As he approached he pointed out the snake that I’d unwittingly stood beside for the previous minute; a dark olive adder that cautiously slithered off into the cover of the heather. No picture to share unfortunately - I didn’t want to frighten it further, plus my survival instincts prevented me from getting close enough.

In reply to aln:

> but not many butterflies

It’s generally quieter this year. Saw another Common Blue butterfly, but I’m really not seeing many compare with previous years.

With C Blue, having seen one that kept its wings closed and wasn’t looking blue when it flew in, I been researching and discovered that without seeing both on top and underneath the wings, it is very difficult to positively ID some species. For example, Northern Brown Argus/Brown Argus is very close to a brown variation of female C Blue. Agh, and I thought birds are difficult to ID at times 🫣!!

Still waiting and hoping for some warmer summer weather to see more butterflies and the likes. A few more bees visiting the garden but still way short on usual numbers.

Birds, mostly Reed Buntings, Siskin, Greenfinch, Sand Martins this week, but also one Peregrine flying.

As Michael, plenty of eclipses plumages in ducks meantime.

Photos of a Stonechat missing the insect it was going for.

In reply to JCurrie:

Nice. I guess there are plenty in the hill that never get noticed by hill walkers.

I would want to upset any snake anyway. I’ll happily forego trying to photograph them 😉.

In reply to Climbing Pieman:

Oops auto correct; would should be wouldn’t.

 Michael Hood 12 Jul 2024
In reply to JCurrie:

I've done similar, noticing an adder slithering off just below the coastal path in Cornwall and then wondering if I'd accidentally kicked it off without realising. More likely it was on the path and just felt heavy vibrations coming along which persuaded it to get out of the way of the lumbering beast that was approaching.

 mbh 12 Jul 2024
In reply to JCurrie:

I was just sat out in my back yard, below the very high wall that bounds it, above which there is a wooded area. There was a cuffuffle in the bushes above and then a slow worm dropped at my feet, as if from space. I went to get my phone to take a picture but when I got back seconds later it had gone, its tail just visible as it disappeared under the big pot we grow mint in, a couple of yards away.

 Bottom Clinger 12 Jul 2024
In reply to aln:

Those stonechats may have had young nearby. They seem quite happy feeding the chicks even if you are quite close

 aln 12 Jul 2024
In reply to mbh:

> a slow worm dropped at my feet, as if from space.

The only time I've seen a slow worm, I almost pee'd on it!

I forgot to mention my favourite spot of the last few weeks. Walking along a forestry track I happened to look up at the moment a Red Kite flew across the track, then turned onto an open area and into some trees. It was no more than 30 ft above the ground, and presented a perfect silhouette, like the ones in the bird guides, then as it turned it caught the sun, showing it's colouration beautifully.

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