Old Scottish Guidebooks

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 David WW 09 Jul 2024

Clearing out the loft, are these Old Scottish Guidebooks useful to anybody?  Happy to ship on if you pay the postage. 

 aln 13 Jul 2024
In reply to David WW:

It's a pity you didn't post earlier. A couple of weeks ago I paid a tenner plus postage for the MacInnes book.

 Dangerous Dave 13 Jul 2024
In reply to David WW:

Hi I would love the North East Outcrops one if it's still going? Thanks

 veteye 13 Jul 2024
In reply to David WW:

Hi, I would really like to take the Skye book, the Kevin Howett Climbing guide, and the MacInnes Winter Climbing guide, if they're still available please.


07711 090999

In reply to David WW:

I'll happily take whatever is remaining, if anything is remaining.

OP David WW 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Dangerous Dave:

Thanks Dave, please message me where to send to 07414 62 02 02, cheers David

OP David WW 16 Jul 2024
In reply to the.last.thesaurus:

Super, please message me your address, thanks David 07414 62 02 02

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