Kilo Watt Hours

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 Timmd 04 Jul 2024

Pardon the double posting, it's for a part of my last uni assignment with 6 days to go.

Going from this 33915

To this 33952

How many kilo watt hours is this? 

Many thanks

NB, It's for an electricity meter. 

Post edited at 20:49
 MeMeMe 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

I don't know if this is a trick question but 33962 - 33915 = 37

OP Timmd 04 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

Yes, I have just twigged, I hadn't realised it was as simple as that. 

Oh well, maybe it comes from life often being inscrutable.

Post edited at 21:01
 MeMeMe 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

Relax, you've got this!

 Rick Graham 04 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

> I don't know if this is a trick question but 33962 - 33915 = 37

Correct answer, wrong explanation!

Exam advice for maths and engineering was to always check your answer back to the original equations and calmly check it all over again.

That was over 50 years ago, nowadays probably just a matter of ticking a few boxes, multiple choice

 ablackett 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

I reckon he has copied that answer from the fella on the desk next to him, no way did he get the right answer from the wrong working. No marks.

 spenser 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

It's still pretty standard practice to go from first principles if you have any doubt about the equation or if it's a weird configuration I think, I don't remember any multiple choice exams studying a mechanical degree 9 years ago.

OP Timmd 04 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

Why is life inscrutible anyway?

It's like the term 'standard deviation', it implies there's a none standard kind, when apparently it's just a term. 

So, why not call it something else?

It's an arbitary seeming existence sometimes.

Edit: I'd be pleased to find there's a none standard kind.

Post edited at 21:48
 MeMeMe 04 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

Oh come on, the question didn't even specify the units for the numbers and only vaguely suggested what the they actually wanted!

Full marks for the correct answer, the working only comes into it if the answer is wrong.

 MeMeMe 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

> Why is life inscrutible anyway?

> It's like the term 'standard deviation', it implies there's a none standard kind, when apparently it's just a term. 

I like the term 'standard deviation', it implies that it's completely normal to deviate.

OP Timmd 04 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

That's fair. My paternal grandparent was almost definitely autistic, he used to whistle to himself in family company, I think my spectrum traits 'require rules and logic'.

If there is not an equal and opposite inverse, then the term is 'wrong'.

Post edited at 21:57
 wintertree 04 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

> I don't know if this is a trick question but 33962 - 33915 = 37

It could be 100,037 kWh if they clocked the meter through continuous high power draw maxing out an 80 A cutout for about 50 days combined with the submission of some strategically timed but technically correct readings…

Post edited at 23:52
OP Timmd 04 Jul 2024
In reply to wintertree:

It's just my meter reading over approx a week or so.

The task is to draw a sankey diagram and ponder one's energy use at home, and devide it into likely appliances and what have you, and speak about some applicable environmental monitoring legislation. 

 Fraser 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

> It's like the term 'standard deviation', it implies there's a none standard kind, when apparently it's just a term. 

> Edit: I'd be pleased to find there's a none standard kind.

*** Pedant alert ***

"non-standard" !

<and breathe>

 McHeath 05 Jul 2024
In reply to MeMeMe:

> I like the term 'standard deviation', it implies that it's completely normal to deviate.

So if it’s completely normal to deviate, it’s not a deviation any more!

 CantClimbTom 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

Yes yes, electricity meter gone past 100,000 and wondering if they'll realise, for your uni?? asking for a friend?? etc

We've heard this before, probably a cannabis farmer, we've seen youngsters here before. Moral reprobates the lot of you, I'm going to write to the daily mail about all this... then you'll be sorry

 Blue Straggler 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Timmd:

Use Excel, you've had enough tutorials on here about that

In reply to Timmd:

> It's like the term 'standard deviation', it implies there's a none standard kind, when apparently it's just a term. 

I’m not a statistician, but aiui (this is probably not quite right, but I think in the right ballpark) it’s called that essentially because it is a way of expressing deviation that gives us a standardised value by which we can work out the probability of different values occurring in the dataset.

Because it’s a standard/standardised calculation, if someone tells you that a value is 3 standard deviations from the mean you can understand how much of an outlier that value is without needing to know much else about the dataset. If I just told you that a value is 7 hoojamiflips from the mean, its still expressing deviation but it’s meaningless information without a lot more context.

Edit: cue any number of corrections of the specifics above from the more mathematically inclined on here, but for example: 3 SDs from the mean means the same thing (with the assumption of normally distributed data at least) regardless of whether we are measuring someone’s IQ, weight, height or toenail length. Thus “standard”. 

Interesting question though, not something I’ve thought about before.

Post edited at 10:48

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