In loving memory of Octavius Job

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 Pete Houghton 07 Jul 2024

Hello everyone, how's things?

I used to be an active enough member here, when I lived in the Alps and before the kiddywinks came along. Not seen very often these days though. Hope you are all well.

A quick recap, just to set the scene: having lived in Chamonix for a decade, I left the valley wrapped in bandages after a near-catastrophic fall from the Aiguille du Belvedere. I'm only here because of the unbelievable dedication and hard work of the PGHM. 

I moved to Ireland just a few weeks after my fall, and as soon as I was healthy enough I joined our local mountain rescue team here in Sligo, Sligo Leitrim Mountain Rescue Team, in an effort to give back a little of what I had received. Today though, I'll be reading a eulogy at the funeral of one of our colleagues, Octavius Job.

Tragically, not even a week ago, we were called out to recover one of our own, who was out climbing in his free time. Ocky leaves behind his three children on their own, following the death of their mother a few months ago, after a years-long battle with cancer.

The future for their children is now dark and uncertain, but we are doing what we can to provide for them. Please, if anyone can find it in their heart to help the Job family, there's an idonate page link below.

From one mountaineering community to another, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

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