How to contact MSN re; Hotmail access?

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 Batcloud 22 Sep 2011

Does anyone know how I can contact MSN to report a blocked/hacked hotmail account?

Everything I've tried takes me to a page which asks for Credit card details?? Doesn't look right to me?
OP Batcloud 22 Sep 2011
In reply to brianblock:

Thanks but that link takes me to the 'sign-in' page and I can't sign-in!

Catch 22

 brianblock 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Batcloud: What should I do if my account has been hacked?
If your account has been compromised—or hacked—it means that someone stole your password and might be using your account to access your personal information or send spam. To recover your account and prevent it from being hacked again, follow these steps.

1. Install an antivirus program on your computer
Most hackers get your password through malware (malicious software) that's been installed on your computer without your knowledge (for example, when you download a new screen saver or toolbar). It’s important to clear your computer of viruses or malware before you change your password. That way, the hackers won’t get your new password.

After you install an antivirus program, set up the program to get updates and scan your computer on a regular basis. If you're running Windows, you can download and install Microsoft Security Essentials for free.

2. Change your password
After you install an antivirus program, try to sign in to your account.

If you can still sign in to your account, you should change your password right away.

If you can’t change your password, try to reset your password.
 brianblock 22 Sep 2011
In reply to brianblock: ok after reading your other thread you need to do this

Why is my account temporarily blocked?
To help protect our customers and our system from fraud or abuse, we temporarily block Windows Live accounts that we detect spam-like activity from. This activity could be in email, instant messages, or friend invitations.

If you receive a message saying that your account is temporarily blocked, you can unblock it by using your mobile phone number to verify your account.

After you enter your phone number, we’ll send a text message with a verification code that you can use to unblock your account. This helps us verify that you are the owner of the account and not a spammer. To enter your mobile phone number, go to the Add a phone page. (You might be asked to sign in first.)

If you can't verify your account using your mobile phone number, go to the Windows Live Solution Center online and click Ask A Question at the top of the page.
OP Batcloud 22 Sep 2011
In reply to brianblock:

Thanks again. Already been through those hoops, you can't submit a question or Add a mobile number without being signed in!

 Mikkel 22 Sep 2011
In reply to brianblock:

He cant sign in.

To the OP, i think you can kiss the account goodbye, without the secondary email account working i dont think you stand a chance getting the password reset.

Is the email address used as secondary one you could get setup again?
OP Batcloud 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Mikkel:

It's my main email account with years of mail and contacts!!

It's not a password problem, I can and have changed the password since this problem occurred.
 Mr Lopez 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Batcloud:
> (In reply to Mikkel)
> It's my main email account with years of mail and contacts!!
> It's not a password problem, I can and have changed the password since this problem occurred.

Hi again.

If you see the "Your account is blocked..." thing and can change your password, then you are signed in.

Leave that tab opened, open a new one, and paste in the address bar. That should take you into the 'add phone' page.

If you want, pm me your e-mail address, password and phone number and i'll have a look for you. You can obviously change the password after, and i can assure you you can trust me to not mess around.
 Mikkel 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Batcloud:

Sorry i misunderstood then.
good luck getting it all back.
 Thomaslynchuk 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Batcloud:

MSN Contact Number

Telephone number for MSN:
MSN Telephone Number: 0800 5872920
MSN Phone Number: 0800 5872920
MSN Number: 0800 5872920
MSN Contact Number: 0800 5872920
OP Batcloud 22 Sep 2011
In reply to Plan Airborne:

Thanks but those numbers are not for 'free' Hotmail accounts, they told me there are no numbers for support for hotmail!!

Another dead end!

Your link just takes me the the loop I've been around several times already.

Thanks anyway

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