Anyone stayed in a treehouse

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 Philip 25 Jul 2024

Daughter wants to have a night in a treehouse. I don't want to do a week, just part of a bigger adventure with some cycling and paddling.

Anyone stayed in one that does 1 or 2 nights, and care to recommend one. All the better of it's Shropshire or surrounding counties.

 Ciro 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Philip:

The main part of the adventure is building it, after that sleeping in it can be a bit of a let down. 

At least, until a few years later when you rediscover it and have some new hobbies you'd rather keep out of the public eye.

 Doug 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Philip:

there's a group of 3 some 100 metres from our flat & they seem popular. But they are expensive to rent, & maybe more important for you, in southern France.

Good luck

 Clwyd Chris 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Philip:

I remember seeing some in Snowdonia and being surprised how close they were to the deck, barely off the ground 

In reply to Philip:

A friend mentioned these ones in Derbyshire to me recently:

In reply to Clwyd Chris:

They can still try and call them tree houses, but minimise the h & s implications and insurance.

 montyjohn 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Philip:

I stayed in one in Thailand. It was annoyingly wet. It didn't leak, it was just very damp. All our clothes in our suitcase were soaked after a couple of days.

I probably wouldn't bother again.

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