LOST: yellow mammut half rope Wasdale Head

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 trying.soft 23 Jun 2024

LOST: yellow mammut half rope near the Wasdale Head Carpark. Must have fallen off my friend's rucksack while walking back from Kern Knotts. We reckon it may be somewhere close to the pubs. 

 djwilse 23 Jun 2024
In reply to trying.soft:

There’s a post about finding a rope in Wasdale on the Rock Climbing UK FB page, I’ve shared this post there.

OP trying.soft 23 Jun 2024
In reply to djwilse:

Much appreciated 

In reply to trying.soft:

A friend of mine found a rope in the area you said yesterday 

OP trying.soft 23 Jun 2024
In reply to Pete Blackburne:

Hi Pete, do you know what he did with it, and could you get me in touch? I'll send yot a PM

In reply to trying.soft:

She's going to contact you mate 👍 😉

In reply to trying.soft:

Where do you live..I could drop it off for you 

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