Lost Scarpa rock shoe - Bosigran

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 Rick Sewards 26 Jun 2024

Hi all

I think I that I have probably a left a single black and orange* Scarpa rock shoe underneath Ding on the Seaward Face yesterday afternoon - in my sun-addled state I didn't check the gearing-up area on leaving and I now only appear to have one shoe.  If anyone does pick it up I'd be extremely grateful if they could let me know by email or on this thread.

Many thanks


* Colours carefully chosen to blend in with the granite and schorl!

OP Rick Sewards 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Rick Sewards:

Apologies all, the missing shoe has been found, please ignore this message and apologies if anyone fruitlessly searched the bottom of the cliff. There was a senior moment involved, but it didn't happen at the foot of the crag!


Post edited at 18:46

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