Lost mountain equipment top horsethief quarry

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 birbeck 08 Jul 2024

Horse-Thief Quarry

My climbing partner has realised that he has left a grey mountain equipment top at horsethief quarry following a nasty accident a few weeks ago. If anyone has found it would you mind getting in contact. 

thanks in advance.

 TobyA 08 Jul 2024
In reply to birbeck:

I hope everyone is ok and your mate gets his/her fleece back!

Can I ask what caused the accident? I replaced a few of the lower offs at Horsethief last December so cast a quick eye over the bolts as I climbed up. If it was a fixed gear problem though, I can let various relevant people know. 

If it was user error - bad luck, it can happen to anyone. Hope everyone is well on their way to healing and getting over it. 

OP birbeck 08 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

He went right instead of left at the 3rd bolt of complete thiefdome and pulled off large block and came off with it. 

 TobyA 08 Jul 2024
In reply to birbeck:

Oh dear! I've always looked at all the blocks all around on the floor below Horsethief and kinda thought that's it's clearly not the most stable of the old quarries. 

Best wishes to your mate. 

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