Lost car key and wedding ring. Bosigran Suicide Wall area

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 gooberman-hill 07 Jul 2024

I lost my car key (Toyota) at  Bosigran yesterday (6 July). The key has my wedding ring clipped to it.

I believe (but am not certain) that I might have lost it while abseiling ro remove gear from the stance at the end of P1 of Suicide Wall (E1 5c), after being rained off.

If anyone finds it please DM me.

Thanks, Steve

 Babika 07 Jul 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

Really hope you get this back.

Only likely to be climbers down there so hopefully it will be found soon and you'll be reunited! 

 Steve Woollard 07 Jul 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

Have you contacted the Climbers Club as if found it might be left at the Count House?

In reply to Steve Woollard:

Not yet but will do. Thxs for the suggestion.


 Babika 16 Jul 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

I hear it was found!

Love a story with a happy ending

In reply to gooberman-hill:

Just want to confirm that it has been found (on Beowulf). I'd like to thank everyone at the Count House last week, especially Will, James and Dave. And the 2 chaps who gave my daughter and me a lift to Penzance Station.

Thanks to all. Steve

 Rik 18 Jul 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

Echoes of Welcombe Mouth in the fading light of a February late afternoon Steve! Fortunately for us it’s very easy to break into an old school Astra to retrieve keys!
Cheers - Rik

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