LOST - Long Climb - Lands End

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 transtechgirl 26 Jun 2024

Hi all, was climbing Long Climb at lands end when my partner became ill and we had to lower off. Left 3 hexes, a sling and 2 wire gates at the first belay point. If anyone is climbing there and retrieves them i’ll happily pay postage to get them back. My details are on the tough tags on the gear.

Thanks in advance. 

 Dave Cundy 26 Jun 2024
In reply to transtechgirl:

"my partner became ill".    This isn't crag swag folks.  Absolutely no need to down-vote.

I hope your gear is returned.

OP transtechgirl 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

Thank you 

OP transtechgirl 02 Jul 2024
In reply to transtechgirl:

Gear has been found and is being posted back, faith in humanity is restored. 

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