Lost - La Sportiva TC Pro size 8 Lake District

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 grosvenor92 14 Jul 2024

I have lost my TC Pros at either Bowderstone Pinnacle or Trowbarrow quarry. Can’t quite remember where I had them last. 

 AnitaClimb 22 Jul 2024
In reply to grosvenor92:


I think I found your shoes at Trowbarrow. 
Where are you based? Want me to drop them off at Lancaster wall for you? 


 AnitaClimb 03 Aug 2024
In reply to grosvenor92:

I still have your shoes.
How do you want me to get them to you? 


 tcashmore 03 Aug 2024
In reply to AnitaClimb:

I would try DM'ing

 sbc23 05 Aug 2024
In reply to AnitaClimb:


Embarrassingly, I also appear to have misplaced by TC Pros. Through a process of elimination, I last had them at Trowbarrow on Friday 5th July. They are the new model, in size 44 (~UK10) and will probably be clipped to a solid bent gate crab with a yellow gate.

Probably above Coral Sea/Barrier reef, the walk down or around the gearing up area below Jomo. 

These don't happen to match the ones you found do they?


Steve Clark

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