Gear SOS - Lower Sharpnose (Pacemaker)

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 emitto 18 Jun 2024

Hello trad friends, had a bit of a mare on Pacemaker on Sunday (16th June), poor choice of tides/timing and a bruising fall from a wet pocket meant accepting defeat and beating a retreat, lowering off and leaving some gear behind about a third of the way up (cam, nut and two extenders). If anyone gets on the route (or next to it) and can retrieve and organise a return then it would be greatly appreciated and I am sure rewarded in some way along with the good Karma you will undoubtedly feel! Thanks for reading.

Pacemaker (E5 6a)

Lower Sharpnose Point

OP emitto 21 Jun 2024
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 Mark Kemball 21 Jun 2024
In reply to emitto:

Not the easiest of routes to recover gear from. If you get back there, it's probably easiest to climb Lunakhod and then abseil down Pacemaker for your gear.

OP emitto 27 Jun 2024
In reply to emitto:

The climbing Gods looked favourably upon me and the gear has been recovered. Daniel S we Salute You! My faith in the climbing community and humanity is stronger! Climbers 1 - 0 Crag Swag Pirates.


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