Gear left Polldubh Pandora second pitch

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Left a bunch of gear on the second pitch of Pandora yesterday if anyone happens to be on it in the near future and retrieves it.


 Mehmet Karatay 25 Jun 2024
In reply to Professor Bunsen:

I collected it today. Are you still around Fort William? I'll be passing Inverness on the 9th of 10th of July.

Send me a direct message and we'll work something out. 

Post edited at 22:25
In reply to Mehmet Karatay:

Hi and a big thank you. It is all my climbing partner's gear and I would like to get it back to him.

I live just south of Inverness, and just off the A82. Depending on your precise travel plans, I or my other half can meet you in Inverness there for the handover.

I will send you an e-mail with my number and address so that we can work out what is easiest for you.

Thanks again.

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