Found: slings at Stoney Middleton

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 CPH 08 Jun 2024

Slings found under Prayer Wheel Wall yesterday. Get in touch with description and can try to get them back to you.

 dmtabs 20 Jun 2024
In reply to CPH: Found: slings at Stoney Middleton


        we just realised we'd lost them Thursday 20th .Really appreciate you posting . One was a thin white one and the other was a wider red one both were 240 cm about 8 feet . We live in Chesterfield so if you're nearby we could pick them up. Dave + Maggie

OP CPH 20 Jun 2024
In reply to CPH:

I,ve still got them. I think we,ll recognise each other! I,ll be in the cafe at calver crossroads tmw at 10.30 if you,re that way. Otherwise let me know when you re at a stoney crag/quarry next and I,ll see you there.

 robert-hutton 20 Jun 2024
In reply to dmtabs:

I would remove your phone number Dave😁

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