Ailefroide favour/karma.

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 Grubblack 23 Jul 2024

Is there  anyone going to Ailefroide soon and who may be willing to ask reception about possible found walking poles please?   I have been trying to contact them to ask, but had no reply. They are Black Diamond collapsible distance poles. Possibly found and handed in.  

 jimmccall 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Grubblack:

I should be there tomorrow afternoon… I’ll ask for you. 

OP Grubblack 25 Jul 2024
In reply to jimmccall:

Thank you!! Much appreciated.

OP Grubblack 25 Jul 2024
In reply to jimmccall:

I left the site the end of June, and we were staying around sector B near the little see -saw area, if they ask.  Thanks.

 jimmccall 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Grubblack:

Hey Hey, sorry, bad news… no BD poles here. She spent a good 10 minutes checking and there were a few random makes but yours weren’t to be seen… she said that they had lots but they go quick. Read into that what you will. I tried. Regards, Jim

OP Grubblack 27 Jul 2024
In reply to jimmccall:

Hi Jim

 Thank you.  At least I can rule it out now.   I really appreciate your asking.  The only other place is the Shepa shop and I rang them.  If you happen to be in the Peak or Nottingham area and short of a pint or coffee let me know.

Have a great time in Ailefroide n around.  

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