Trad partner for next week

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 Baron Weasel 21 Jul 2024


Looking for a trad partner for next week (mine has come down with a lurgy bug).

Lakes based but up for traveling anywhere in the UK.

Leading HVS pretty solidly and second up to E2/3. Been climbing for nearly 30 years and have full rack, ropes etc. happy to get on some easier stuff too.

Would be particularly interested in climbing at Gogarth, Pembrokeshire or maybe some big adventurous routes in Scotland.

HMU if you are free and want to climb!

In reply to Baron Weasel:

Hey Baron, I may be about, and eager to hit some rock!

Lakes based, possibly open to travel within a couple of hours, for good rock/weather

(New to using UKC to find climbing buddies)

Post edited at 13:21

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