Portland Day Trip - August 2

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 stephenf8384 21 Jul 2024

Hey everyone, 

American here travelling through Europe for several weeks and I’ll be in the UK for a day or two at the beginning of August. I’m planning on taking a day trip to Portland on August 2 and am looking for some people to go with. Probably won’t be climbing anything crazy since I’ve been training less this summer. My guess is 5.10a-c (I think that’s 5b-c) for sport and 6b-6c for bouldering.

 Climber_Bill 21 Jul 2024
In reply to stephenf8384:

5.10a to c converts to roughly sport 6a to 6b. There’s lots at that grade range on Portland.

For Portland and Dorset in general, try the Dorset Facebook climbing page. There seems to be a lot of friendly people on there who are always willing to welcome new and visiting climbers to the area.

Good luck and have fun.


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